The Austrian Joint Forces Command (AJFC) herewith extends an invitation to take part in an international Expert Talk on the EU P&S MOUNTAIN TRAINING INITIATIVE, scheduled for 09 to 11 May 2015.
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Selected Item Name Document Type Size
Invitation_Calling_Letter (1).pdf Basic Document 0 B
consolidated Draft Basic Level 1 Standardisation Matrix.xls Basic Document 0 B
Admin Order_Expert Talks Basic Document 0 B
07_Way_ahead_150611.pdf Basic Document 0 B
06_SWE_Presentation_150611.pdf Basic Document 0 B
05_Presentation_CAPRICORN_150611.pdf Basic Document 0 B
04_Presentation_Packhorse_Unit_150610.pdf Basic Document 0 B
03_Presentation_MTA_HOFI_150610.pdf Basic Document 0 B
02_MTI_Standardisation_Basic Level_150610.pdf Basic Document 0 B
01_MTI_Introduction_150610.pdf Basic Document 0 B
Invitation_Calling_Letter.pdf Basic Document 197 KB
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