The Slovenian 132nd Mountain Regiment in conjunction with NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE) and the Austrian Land Forces Command (ALFC) herewith extend an invitation to take part in an international conference on the EU P&S MOUNTAIN TRAINING INITIATIVE, scheduled for 23th to 25th October 2017.

 Conference Specifitations:
  • The conference will be conducted by the Slovenian 132nd Mountain Regiment in conjunction with NATO MW COE and the ALFC
  • Officer hosting the conference: COL Robert GLAVAŠ, 1st Brigade Commander, SVN
  • Officer scheduling the conference: BG Karl PERNITSCH, Chairman EU P&S MTI and G7 ALFC.
  • Officer conducting the conference: LTC Matthias RITZ, Acting Chairman EU P&S MTI and Chief Mountain Training Section G7 ALFC

    3rd Planning Committee Meeting (for “National Representatives“ of MTI-participating Nations only)
    Annual Conference 2017
        Needs & Offers Syndicate
        Work on Standardisation
        Working Group on “P&S MTI Exercise Series”
        Sightseeing Bled, Briefing “100 Years of the 12th Battle of Isonzo”
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